- BLOC 300 11h00 à 12h00
- Résumé
This workshop is designed for vocational educators interested in augmented reality to enhance vocational training. By the end of this workshop, participants will have an understanding of the technology and its potential to transform vocational training. They will leave with strategies to incorporate AR into their own vocational education programs.
- Animateurs

Title Education Consultant – Integration of Technology RÉCIT-Vocational Training, Regional Service – English School Boards
Après avoir été enseignant en cuisine professionnelle pendant 17 ans à la Commission scolaire Lester B. Pearson, Marc Vézina est maintenant conseiller pédagogique. Son mandat est d’accompagner les, les départements, les centres et les commissions scolaires partout au Québec, dans l’implantation pertinente des technologies dans l’apprentissage et l’enseignement. Vous pouvez le joindre via le site

BURN, James
Title: Educational consultant
James Burn is an educational consultant with Riverside School Board and RÉCIT Provincial Service for Vocational Education. The 2023-24 school year marks his eight year as a Vocational Training consultant for the nine English school boards in Quebec. Utilizing his love for teaching and passion for technology, he provides customized workshops and training to integrate technology into classrooms.